Sonett Hand Soap - Calendula

Size 300ml 1 Litre

Sonett Hand Soap - Calendula - 1 Litre

The oils and essentials oils used for these hand soaps are 100 % derived from certified organic cultivation or collection from wild-growing plants. The coconut oil originates from a Fair-Trade-Project in the Dominican Republic. The olive oil is supplied by cooperatives in Spain, Italy, and Greece.


Soap from olive oil, certified organic / biodynamic cultivation >30 % Soap from coconut oil, certified organically grown 15–30 % Sugar surfactant, conventional 5–15 % Vegetable alcohol (ethanol), conventional 1–5 % Vegetable glycerine, certified organically grown 1–5 % Spagyric Calendula essence, certified organically grown <1% Citrate, conventional <1 % Essential oils of Atlas cedar, Litsea, sweet orange, bitter orange (petitgrain), rose geranium, balsamic additives, certified organic / biodynamic cultivation / collection from wild-growing plants <1 % Gurjun balsam <1 % Water, swirled up to 100 %