Erase all eye makeup -- waterproof included -- with JUST WATER™! Makeup Erasers' ultra-soft & patented Eye MITT is 2x fluffier (higher fiber count) to gently zap away makeup in those hard-to-reach parts around the eyes. No tugging or pulling required; it's perfectly shaped for easy removal from the waterline. The makeup eraser Eye MITT can banish waterproof mascara, eyeliner, eyeshadow, eyebrow gel, lash glue, & more with ease!
Plush fibers adhere to makeup & gently remove from pores with no residue left behind!
- ✓ machine washable
- ✓ reusable
- ✓ eliminates waste
- Alcohol & fragrance-free.
- What's included? 4 Eye MITTs + 1 laundry bag.