thick hair accessories for volume-Makeup Eraser Drip Eraser

Colour Pink

You'll stay dry and water-free with the new Drip Eraser from Makeup Eraser! The super absorbent wristbands put a stop to water running down your arms, so no more soggy counters or sleeves. Plus, the fluffy headband keeps your tresses out of your face during your morning and night routines. No more drips in sight!

  • 3 pc Spa Set
  • ✓ 2 Wristbands
  • ✓ 1 Headband
  • ✓ 0 Drips 
  • ✓ Wristbands are machine washable
  • ✓ One-size fits most 

  • Wear when:
  • ✓ Erasing makeup 
  • ✓ Cleansing skin 
  • ✓ Applying masks, serums or moisturizers