wigs for a natural look-Brianna

Color Dark Amber HL Cherrywood HL Chiffon Candy Cocoa Bean Midnight Coffee Cola Swirl Velvet Cream Deep Forest Frosty Blonde Honey Bean Princess Ivory Mimosa HL Misty Sunrise Mocha Gold Sheer Plum Silky Sand Satin Gold Deep Sepia Silver Shadow Sugar Brulee Sunset Glow English Tea HL Walnut Brown
Size Average

A super-light, super-easy, mid-short style featuring mixed textured waves and an extended nape. Just shake it. Wear it. And love it.

Brand: Tressallure
Cap Type: Cool Comfort Cap
Fiber: 100% Modacrylic Effortless™ Fiber
Available Sizes: Average
Product Type: Wig
Item Number: V1303

Not Heat Friendly

Crown: 4.25"
Nape: 2.6"
Fringe: 3.25"
Weight: 2.4 oz